Logo Designing

Better Websites. Better Customer Experience.

A Logo Is The Emblem Of Your Success

Juliet could have never anticipated (when she complained to Romeo about his name's meaninglessness)- the transfiguration that the phrase-" What's in a name" would undergo in the 21st century digital age. Well! Juliet, Everything is in a name. Had you been able to converse with a contemporary business today, the importance of brand name could not be emphasized enough? The first thing that a modern-day audience notice is a brand's name.

A brand uses logo design as the symbol of their status to reflect their ideologies. Thus, a logo isn't just a graphic representation; it is your brand's identity. However, the shelf life of a logo is estimated to up to 10 years. It gives you a reason why you must strive every day to mark your existence in the industry. In the business world, it's all about first impressions.

Website Audit

Speak More With Logo Symbols

The motivation behind incredible logo designing is to give your business an edge over your competitors and build trust with your customers. To achieve both, a logo should be novel, memorable, simple, and unique. Did you know? In just 400 milliseconds, the visual elements of a logo design are processed in our brains' visual cortex (Zilliondesigns). Understanding a business's inspiration is a vital part of logo designing service. It allows designers to tailor concepts and design the perfect logo that meets your unique business needs. Our logo planning measure incorporates thoroughly narrated suggestions by logo design experts to evoke the right emotional touchpoints. You'll love our creative concepts and unique logo designs backing your project and liberating you from the burden of extensive hours of critical thinking. Reliqus logo designers assist you in creating the ideal logo that meets all your criteria.

Here Is Why You Should Invest In Logo Designing

We firmly stand behind the philosophy that a good logo does more than make your business look pretty; it has a functional purpose. More than 3,00,000 freelance logo designers on Upwork, over 118,000 on, and over 134,000 on Fiverr (Website Planet, 2021). It takes a minimum of 5-7 impressions for consumers to register your logo. Thus, it must consider specific functionalities such as polishing, distinctiveness, memorability, and creativity.

Brand Logo Personifies Company Visions

The logo design can connect with the audience relaying a background story that resonates at each step. It personifies the company's vision and voice. This is why Reliqus is dedicated to make your logo your backbone, attaching your identity. We solve complex problems using unbeatable strategies, efficient designs, and creative thinking. Each process of logo designing involves connecting multiple points of communication of your brand with your customers. Fun Fact:- Between 1910 and 1913, commercial logos became common in the US and Europe.

Why Hire Reliqus For Logo Designing?

We understand that to reach a destination; one must take the first step. But the gravity of it can be understood only by those who never reach their destination because their first step leads them in the wrong direction. Hiring an appropriate logo designer can add you to the list of history makers.

our services

We are a one stop solution for all your design requirements. We at Reliqus, not only helps you to setup a website for your business but we help you to succeed.