The Valued Lives Foundation’s Microenterprise Project recently partnered with Reliqus Consulting for web development services and the results have been exceptional. Our goal was to create a website that would not only be visually engaging but also accessible for people with disabilities. Reliqus took Microenterprise’s vision and turned it into a reality.
The website Reliqus developed is professional and user-friendly, providing a warm and welcoming experience for all users. The attention to detail in making the website accessible has been greatly appreciated, and Microenterprise was confident that it will greatly improve the online experience for people with disabilities.
Microenterprise was also impressed with the website’s performance in search engines, as Reliqus’ expertise in SEO optimization has helped them reach a wider audience. Reliqus Consulting’s ongoing support and dedication have been valuable in the results. Microenterprise highly recommended Reliqus Consulting to any company looking for reliable and effective web development and SEO services.
Valued Lives
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