25+ Must-Try ChatGPT Prompts for Digital Marketers

Reliqus Marketing

05 April 2024

By Priti Gupta
Marketing Director

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it’s crucial for marketers to constantly stay updated with the latest tools and techniques to engage with their target audience. And with the rise of chatbots and conversational marketing, ChatGPT has emerged as a powerful tool for digital marketers. 

As digital marketers, we are always looking for new and innovative ways to engage with our audience and stand out from the competition. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of 25+ best ChatGPT prompts for digital marketers to take their digital marketing game to the next level.

Our team at Reliqus Consulting specializes in integrating cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT into comprehensive digital marketing strategies, ensuring our clients always stay ahead of the curve.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a state-of-the-art language processing AI developed by OpenAI, designed to understand and generate human-like text responses. 

It’s based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, which allows it to comprehend context, make relevant suggestions, and even mimic human conversational patterns. 

For digital marketers, ChatGPT offers a versatile tool capable of executing a wide range of tasks, from generating content ideas to crafting personalized communication, making it an invaluable asset in the digital marketing toolkit.

For those interested in a deeper dive into how ChatGPT can specifically impact your marketing strategies, both positively and negatively, we highly recommend reading our comprehensive analysis on the Pros and Cons of Using ChatGPT in Digital Marketing. 

What is Prompt Engineering?

Prompt engineering is the skill of crafting questions or instructions to guide AI models like ChatGPT to generate desired outcomes. It’s a critical skill for marketers looking to leverage AI effectively, ensuring that the responses from ChatGPT are as useful and relevant as possible.

For digital marketers, mastering Prompt Engineering can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, enabling more efficient content creation, targeted marketing strategies, and personalized customer interactions.

How to Write an Effective ChatGPT Prompt?

An effective ChatGPT prompt should guide the AI to produce the desired outcome. This involves clear communication, setting boundaries for the response, and sometimes even instructing the AI on the tone or format you expect. 

Here are detailed strategies to help you craft such prompts that our experts at Reliqus Consulting use daily to generate impactful content and strategies for our clients:

1. Be Specific and Direct

The more specific your prompt, the more relevant and tailored the response. ChatGPT thrives on clear instructions. If you’re too vague, the AI might not grasp the exact nature of your request, leading to a generic or off-target response.

Poor Example: “Write something about digital marketing.”

Better Example: “Write a 200-word overview of the latest trends in digital marketing for B2B companies, focusing on AI and data analytics.”

2. Use Clear and Concise Language

Simplicity is key. Complex or convoluted sentences can confuse the AI, resulting in answers that miss the mark. Aim for clarity in your requests to ensure ChatGPT understands exactly what you’re asking.

Poor Example: “I’m in need of assistance with the penning of an electronic correspondence…”

Better Example: “Help me write a professional email…”

3. Guide the AI with Context

Providing context helps ChatGPT understand the background and the specific angle you’re interested in. This is particularly useful for topics that have multiple interpretations or for tasks that require a certain level of prior knowledge.

Example: “As a digital marketing manager for an eco-friendly clothing brand, I need a blog post that highlights the importance of sustainable practices in fashion. The post should be engaging and informative, tailored to our audience who are environmentally conscious consumers.”

4. Specify the Tone and Style

The tone and style of the content can dramatically affect its reception. Specify whether you want the response to be formal, casual, humorous, or professional. You can also guide the AI on the desired length and complexity.

Example: “Write a humorous and engaging introduction for our newsletter that discusses the challenges of working from home, aimed at a young professional audience.”

5. Incorporate Keywords When Necessary

For SEO-related tasks, include specific keywords you want to be incorporated into the content. This guides ChatGPT to not only focus on the subject matter but also to optimize the output for search engines.

Example: “Create a 500-word blog post on ‘The Future of Remote Work,’ incorporating the keywords ‘remote work trends,’ ‘digital nomad,’ and ‘work-from-home technology.'”

6. Use Follow-Up Prompts for Refinement

Don’t hesitate to use follow-up prompts to refine the response or steer the conversation in a different direction. ChatGPT can build on its previous responses, making it possible to evolve the output through a series of prompts.

First Prompt: “Draft a brief on the benefits of AI in digital marketing.”

Follow-Up: “Now, use that brief to create an infographic outline that highlights these benefits visually.”

What are the Best ChatGPT Prompts for Digital Marketing?

Discovering the optimal ChatGPT prompts for digital marketing is crucial for leveraging AI in your digital strategies effectively. 

Below are key categories where ChatGPT can significantly impact your marketing efforts:

  • Content Marketing
  • SEO
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Video Marketing

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Marketing

Content marketing is not just about producing content; it’s about creating meaningful, engaging, and valuable content for your audience. 

For digital marketers, leveraging ChatGPT can significantly enhance content creation processes, from brainstorming ideas to crafting SEO-friendly articles. 

  1. Writing Meta Descriptions:
  • “Craft a compelling meta description for the blog post titled ‘[Blog Post Title]’, incorporating the primary keyword ‘[Keyword]’ to boost click-through rates.”
  • “Develop a persuasive meta description for our product page ‘[Product Name]’, emphasizing its benefits and employing action verbs to encourage engagement.”
  1. Adding Humor to Blog Posts:
  • “Suggest humorous introductions for a blog post about ‘[Topic]’ that would engage readers and make the content more relatable.”
  • “Rewrite the following paragraph from a blog post, incorporating light humor to make the information more enjoyable for the reader: [Paragraph Text].”
  1. Rewriting Sentences in Active Voice:
  • “Transform the following sentences into active voice to enhance clarity and engagement in our latest article: [Sentences].”
  • “Identify and rewrite any passive voice sentences in this excerpt to make the content more dynamic and authoritative: [Excerpt].”
  1. Adding Statistics to a Blog Post:
  • “Provide recent statistics relevant to ‘[Topic]’ for inclusion in our upcoming blog post to support key arguments and provide credibility.”
  • “Find and summarize three studies related to ‘[Topic]’, highlighting their main findings for a section in our blog post discussing industry trends.”
  1. Writing Blog Posts with SEO:
  • “Outline a blog post titled ‘[Blog Post Title]’ that targets the keyword ‘[Keyword]’, including suggested headings, keywords for each section, and a brief summary of content for each part.”
  • “Generate an SEO-focused introduction for a blog post about ‘[Topic]’ that incorporates primary and long-tail keywords without sacrificing readability.”

ChatGPT Prompts for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the backbone of digital visibility. Using ChatGPT for SEO tasks can streamline the process of keyword research, content creation, and website optimization.

  1. Keyword Research Ideas:
  • “Generate a list of long-tail keywords related to [topic/industry] for a new blog post targeting niche audiences.”
  • “Generate a list of question-based keywords related to [specific product/service] for creating FAQ content.”
  1. Generating Meta Tags:
  • “Create a meta title and description for a webpage about [topic] that includes primary keywords and compels clicks.”
  • “Generate meta descriptions for the top 5 most-visited pages on our website, using engaging language and targeted keywords.”
  1. Blog Post Structuring:
  • “Outline a blog post about [topic] that is optimized for SEO, including H1, H2, and H3 headings and suggested keywords.”
  • “Suggest an engaging format for a listicle related to [topic], emphasizing readability and spaces for incorporating keywords naturally.”
  1. Localize Website Content:
  • “List strategies for localizing website content for audiences in [region/city], including keyword suggestions and cultural considerations.”
  • “Create a plan for incorporating local slang, landmarks, and cultural references into our web pages to improve local SEO for [region/city].”

ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing thrives on creativity and engagement. ChatGPT can help plan campaigns, generate content ideas, and craft posts that resonate with your audience.

  1. Co-branding on Facebook or Instagram:
  • “Generate ideas for a co-branding campaign between [Brand A] and [Brand B] on Instagram, focusing on shared values and audience engagement.”
  • “Create a draft post for Facebook announcing a new co-branding partnership between [Brand A] and [Brand B], highlighting the benefits for followers.”
  1. Increasing Reach on Social Media:
  • “List strategies to increase organic reach on Facebook for a small business focused on sustainability.”
  • “Suggest creative content ideas that are likely to be shared widely on Instagram within the tech community.”
  1. Developing a Posting Cadence or Content Calendar:
  • “Generate a weekly content calendar template for a fashion brand on Instagram, including theme days and engagement strategies.”
  • “Propose a posting schedule for a B2B company on LinkedIn to maximize engagement, including types of posts for different days of the week.”
  1. Responding to Negative Comments and Publicity:
  • “Draft a response to a negative comment on social media about a delayed product launch, focusing on empathy and proactive solutions.”
  • “Create a response strategy for handling a surge of negative feedback on Facebook regarding a service issue.”
  1. Running Giveaways:
  • “Outline the steps and rules for an Instagram giveaway aimed at increasing followers for a fitness brand.”
  • “Suggest creative giveaway ideas for a bookshop on Facebook to increase engagement and shares.”
  1. Writing a Social Media Bio:
  • “Draft an engaging Instagram bio for a travel blogger that includes a call to action.”
  • “Write a LinkedIn company bio for a new fintech startup, highlighting its innovation and mission.”
  1. Planning a Social Media Campaign:
  • “Design a campaign plan for launching a new eco-friendly product on social media, focusing on engagement and user-generated content.”
  • “Outline a social media campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, including content types and partnership ideas.”
  1. Prompts for Instagram Marketing:
  • “Generate hashtags and content ideas for a beauty brand’s new product launch on Instagram.”
  • “Suggest engaging Instagram story ideas for a coffee shop to showcase its culture and behind-the-scenes.”
  1. Prompts for LinkedIn Marketing:
  • “Create a LinkedIn post announcing a company’s expansion into a new market, focusing on business growth and opportunities.”
  • “Draft an article outline for LinkedIn that positions a CEO as a thought leader in sustainable energy solutions.”
  1. Prompts for Ad Strategy:
  • “Suggest creative ad copy for a Facebook campaign aimed at promoting a new yoga studio to local residents.”
  • “Design a series of Instagram ad visuals for an online fashion retailer’s summer collection, focusing on lifestyle imagery.”
  1. Writing Social Media Posts:
  • “Draft a motivational Monday post for a personal development coach on Instagram.”
  • “Write a LinkedIn post celebrating a company milestone, focusing on team effort and future goals.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Video Marketing

Video content is increasingly important in digital marketing strategies. ChatGPT can assist in scripting, titling, and conceptualizing videos that capture your audience’s attention.

  1. Creating Video Introductions:
  • “Generate a compelling opening line for a video on [Topic] that grabs attention within the first 5 seconds.”
  • “Write a short script for an introduction to a series of educational videos, introducing the host and teasing what viewers can learn.”
  1. Generating Creative Video Ideas:
  • “Suggest three unique video content ideas for our [Industry/Product] that haven’t been extensively covered by competitors.”
  • “Brainstorm a concept for a viral marketing video that highlights the unique features of our [Product/Service] in a humorous way.”
  1. Creating Podcast Scripts:
  • “Outline a podcast episode script that discusses the latest trends in [Industry/Topic], including an intro, three main discussion points, and a closing.”
  • “Draft a script for a podcast interview with an expert in [Field], focusing on their insights on [Specific Topic] and questions that would engage our audience.”
  1. Generating YouTube Video Titles:
  • “Create engaging titles for YouTube videos about [Topic] that are optimized for search and intrigue potential viewers.”
  • “Provide a list of catchy YouTube video titles for a series focused on beginner tips for [Activity/Skill], incorporating SEO-friendly keywords.”
  1. Creating Product Demo Video Scripts:
  • “Write a script for a product demo video of [Product], highlighting its top features and practical applications in a concise, engaging manner.”
  • “Develop a detailed storyboard for a demo video that showcases how [Software] solves common problems faced by [Target Audience], including key messages and visuals.”
  1. Tips and How-to Videos:
  • “Outline a how-to video for [Task/Process] related to [Product/Service], detailing the steps in a clear, easy-to-follow manner.”
  • “Generate a script for a tips video focused on [Topic], offering actionable advice that viewers can implement easily.”
  1. Behind-the-Scenes Videos:
  • “Craft a concept for a behind-the-scenes video showcasing the making of our latest product, aiming to humanize our brand and connect with our audience.”
  • “Outline a behind-the-scenes tour of our office/workspace, highlighting team culture and the creative process behind our projects.”
  1. Customer Testimonial Videos:
  • “Create a set of questions for a customer testimonial video that elicits stories of how our product/service made a difference in their life or work.”
  • “Draft a script for introducing and concluding customer testimonial videos, ensuring it aligns with our brand tone and message.”

ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

Email marketing requires precision and personalization. With ChatGPT, you can craft subject lines, newsletters, and re-engagement emails that resonate with your audience.

  1. Subject Line Personalization:
  • “Generate a list of personalized email subject lines for our upcoming product launch, targeting [demographic], focusing on their main interests.”
  • “Create engaging, personalized subject lines for a re-engagement campaign aimed at customers who haven’t purchased in the last 6 months.”
  1. Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP):
  • “Draft an email that highlights our USP, targeting new subscribers, and explains how it solves a problem they commonly face.”
  • “Write an email for our loyalty program members that showcases an exclusive feature of our service not available elsewhere.”
  1. Ask for Feedback and/or Reviews:
  • “Compose an email asking for product feedback that makes the customer feel their opinion is valued and will contribute to product improvement.”
  • “Generate an email template requesting reviews from recent buyers, including incentives for those who leave a review.”
  1. Offer Exclusive Promotions:
  • “Create an email offering an exclusive discount to our top-spending customers as a thank you for their loyalty, with a clear call-to-action.”
  • “Draft an email for a ‘members-only’ sale that previews upcoming promotions and offers early access to our email subscribers.”
  1. Seasonalize Your Email Campaigns:
  • “Develop an email campaign for the holiday season that includes a gift guide, exclusive offers, and key shipping deadlines.”
  • “Write an email series for a summer promotion, featuring seasonal products, customer stories, and a summer-specific discount code.”
  1. Creating Newsletters:
  • “Outline a monthly newsletter template that includes sections for industry news, product updates, and customer spotlights.”
  • “Generate content ideas for a quarterly newsletter aimed at engaging inactive subscribers, featuring success stories, company news, and a special offer.”
  1. For Cold Outreaches:
  • “Compose a cold outreach email that introduces our solution to [industry] professionals, highlighting how it addresses a specific challenge they face.”
  • “Draft a series of follow-up emails for cold outreach that gently nudges the recipient towards a call-to-action, such as booking a demo or downloading a whitepaper.”
  1. Creating Email Marketing Funnels:
  • “Design an email marketing funnel for new subscribers that nurtures them from welcome email through to making their first purchase, including content and timing for each step.”
  • “Outline an email funnel aimed at upselling existing customers, focusing on how our premium products or services can further benefit them.”

How to use these ChatGPT Prompts for Digital Marketing?

Using ChatGPT prompts effectively is about understanding the interplay between your requirements and the AI’s capabilities. It’s not just about crafting the prompt but also about how you introduce, follow up, and potentially refine the interaction to achieve the best outcome. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use these chatgpt prompts effectively in your digital marketing efforts.

1. Be Detailed and Provide Context

Why It’s Important: The more details and context you provide, the better ChatGPT understands your requirements. This is crucial for tasks requiring nuance and industry-specific knowledge.

How to Apply: Before sending your prompt, consider what background information would help ChatGPT generate the best possible response. If you’re writing a blog post for a specific audience, detail who the audience is, what their interests are, and any relevant industry trends.

Example: Instead of asking for “a blog post on email marketing,” specify, “Write a comprehensive guide on how small e-commerce businesses can leverage email marketing in 2024, focusing on automation tools, personalization strategies, and GDPR compliance.”

2. Ask Specific Questions

Why It’s Important: Specific questions lead to specific answers. Vague prompts can result in generic responses that might not be useful for your specific needs.

How to Apply: Break down your request into specific, targeted questions. If you’re looking for content ideas, ask for ideas based on recent trends in your industry, the target demographic’s interests, or specific challenges your audience faces.

Example: “What are five innovative content marketing strategies for tech startups targeting millennials in 2024? Please include examples and expected outcomes.”

3. Try Out Different Approaches

Why It’s Important: Not all prompts work the same way for every task. Experimenting with different phrasings or structures can help you find the most effective way to communicate with ChatGPT.

How to Apply: If your first prompt doesn’t yield the desired results, rephrase it with a different focus or ask for the information in another format, such as bullet points or a brief outline instead of a full paragraph.

Example: If “Write a detailed blog post on the future of remote work” doesn’t work, try “List the top trends shaping the future of remote work and briefly describe each.”

4. Give Context When Asking for Revisions

Why It’s Important: When a response doesn’t meet your expectations, providing context about what specifically needs to change helps ChatGPT understand how to correct its course.

How to Apply: Clearly explain what aspect of the response didn’t meet your needs and why. Offer guidance on how it can be improved, such as asking for more detailed examples, a different tone, or additional sections.

Example: “The blog outline you provided is a good start, but it lacks examples of real-world applications of the technology. Can you add 2-3 case studies that illustrate the benefits of these applications in a corporate setting?”

5. Verify the AI Responses

Why It’s Important: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s essential to remember that its knowledge is not infallible or always up-to-date. Verifying facts and data is crucial, especially in a fast-moving field like digital marketing.

How to Apply: Cross-check any statistics, facts, or trends provided by ChatGPT with reputable sources. If you’re using the content for SEO purposes, ensure that the keywords and strategies are current and effective.

Example: After receiving a list of SEO strategies from ChatGPT, cross-reference these strategies with the latest SEO blogs or Google’s own recommendations to ensure they are still considered best practices.


Throughout this exploration of ChatGPT prompts for digital marketers, we’ve uncovered how this innovative tool can transform engagement strategies, content creation, and personalized customer experiences. Its versatility and effectiveness make it a must-try tool for anyone looking to enhance their marketing efforts.

However, it’s essential to remember that while ChatGPT is a powerful asset, it cannot replace the unique value of human insight and creativity in crafting authentic and compelling content.

As you navigate the dynamic world of digital marketing, consider leveraging the power of ChatGPT alongside the unique capabilities of your team to truly stand out in the online sphere. To explore how Reliqus Consulting can further elevate your digital marketing endeavors with a touch of human expertise, connect with us today and unlock endless possibilities for your brand’s success.

Priti Gupta

Marketing Director at Reliqus

She has worked on 100+ Digital Marketing projects, including a wide array of Content writing, SEO, Copywriting, Social media & Paid ads.

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