What is HTTP 420 Status Code (Method Failure or Enhance Your Calm)?

Reliqus Marketing

09 May 2024

HTTP Status Codes
By Ankit Bhatia
Founder & CEO

Mastering HTTP status codes is a key skill for developers and web administrators in the dynamic digital landscape. These codes are not mere errors or responses; they are the very language of the internet, offering a deep understanding of the health and status of web applications. 

At Reliqus Consulting, we are committed to keeping our clients and readers at the forefront of web development. In this pursuit, we delve into lesser-known codes, such as the HTTP 420 status code, affectionately known as ‘Enhance Your Calm.’ 

This code’s intriguing origins and its unique relevance in today’s internet culture provide a captivating glimpse into the convergence of technical requirements and societal influences.

What Does the HTTP 420 Status Code Mean?

⚠️ Unofficial: This HTTP status code is not specified by any RFC.

The HTTP status codes 420 Method Failure, and 420 Enhance your calm are unofficial error codes indicating a client-side issue. 

Its interpretation can vary depending on the source; for example, the Spring Framework uses it to signal a “method failure,” on Twitter, it is used to inform users about rate limits being exceeded due to too many requests. 

This adaptability underscores the code’s versatility and its adoption by various platforms to communicate specific issues related to client requests. This reassures developers and web administrators that they can effectively handle HTTP 420 status code errors.

Usage – Twitter

In version 1.0 of the Twitter Search and Trends API, the 420 Enhance your calm error was notably used to signal rate limiting due to an excessive number of client requests. 

This measure was intended to mitigate traffic by imposing a cap on client requests within a designated time frame, effectively easing server load. 

However, this specific status code was deprecated with the advent of Twitter’s Standard v1.1 API. Twitter now employs the official status message of 429 Too Many Requests to indicate similar circumstances of rate limitation.

Usage – Spring Framework

In the Spring Framework, the 420 Method Failure error message was once used to denote a failed method within the application. This particular use of the HTTP 420 status code served as a means for developers to identify and debug issues related to method execution.

However, it’s important to note that Spring has deprecated this status code and is no longer in use. The framework has evolved to adopt more standardized error reporting methods, moving away from the unique implementation of the 420 HTTP Response Status Code.

📌Note: It’s essential to know that search engines like Google will not index URLs that return a 420 Method Failure or 420 Enhance your calm response status. Additionally, if URLs with this HTTP status code were previously indexed, they will be removed from search results.

Possible Uses of the HTTP 420 Status Code

  • A client sending too many requests to the Twitter API, thus exceeding the permitted rate limit.
  • Similarly, a violation of terms of service could occur if a client sends excessive requests to a third-party service that leverages the Twitter API.
  • Notably, some web servers might humorously implement the 420 HTTP Status code as a joke or prank.

Understanding that the 420 status code is only sometimes recognized as standard across all web servers is crucial.

The Technical Aspects of the 420 Status Code

The HTTP 420 status code falls within the 4xx class of HTTP status codes, designed to indicate client error responses. 

Not officially recognized by any Request for Comments (RFC) documentation or the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) registry, the 420 code was an informal extension used primarily by Twitter to signal rate-limiting issues before being superseded by the official 429 Too Many Requests status code. 

HTTP status codes are integral to the structure of an HTTP response, providing a standardized way for servers to inform clients about the outcome of their requests. A typical HTTP response might look like “HTTP/1.1 200 OK”, indicating a successful request.

Here the HTTP version (e.g., HTTP/1.1), the status code itself (e.g., 200), and a reason phrase that describes the status code in words (e.g.OK). For instance, a custom status line employing the status code 420 might look like this: “HTTP/1.1 420 Enhance Your Calm”.

Servers use the 420 status code to indicate that a client sends too many requests within a given timeframe, advising the user to slow down. This status code is unique because it carries a lighthearted nod to cannabis culture, with “420” being a popular term among cannabis enthusiasts. 

The choice of this number as an error code is a playful reminder to enhance one’s calm, aligning with the laid-back stereotype associated with cannabis users.

HTTP 420 Status Code References

Apache HttpComponents Core


How to Check 420 HTTP Status Code?

To check the HTTP 420 Status Code, you can use the web browser network tab and developer tools to monitor every resource the client uses.

Which HTTP Method is used with 420 Status Code?

Interestingly, only one HTTP method is typically associated with the 420 HTTP Status Code, which is the PUT method. The PUT method is employed to submit an entity to the specified resource, often leading to a state change or side effects on the server.

This method’s use with the status code 420 is unique, highlighting the specific scenarios under which this error might be encountered during web interactions.

What are the HTTP Response Headers Related to the HTTP 420 Status Code?

While discussing the 420 HTTP Status Code, it’s pertinent to mention a closely related HTTP response header: the 418 HTTP Status Code. Both of these status codes fall under the category of client error responses. 

These specific client error responses usually result from incorrect syntax in the client’s request.

What are the Browsers Compatibility of 420 HTTP Status Code?

The 420 HTTP Status Code is compatible with all browsers, ensuring broad support across the most commonly used web browsers. This includes Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, and Webview Android.

HTTP 420 Status Code Impact on SEO

Understanding the role of HTTP status codes is crucial in SEO as they inform search engines about the status of a webpage, affecting its crawlability, indexation, and user experience. 

Although the 420 status code is not an officially recognized HTTP response and is primarily associated with rate limiting on platforms like Twitter, its presence could have potential implications for SEO.

Here are three ways the status code 420 could impact SEO:

  • Crawl Efficiency: Search engines allocate a crawl budget to each website, representing the number of pages a search engine bot will crawl within a specific timeframe. If a bot encounters the 420 Status Error frequently, it could save valuable crawl budget on inaccessible pages, reducing the overall efficiency of website crawling.
  • Indexation: Pages returning a 420 error code may not be indexed by search engines. Since 420 indicates a client error related to rate limiting or terms of service violations, it could signal to search engines that the content is not valuable or accessible, leading to exclusion from search engine result pages.
  • User Experience: Frequent HTTP 420 errors could harm the user experience, indirectly affecting a site’s ranking. Search engines aim to provide users with relevant and accessible content; thus, a site prone to such errors might be deemed less favourable.

Adhering to standard HTTP status codes is essential to ensuring correct handling by search engines and maintaining SEO integrity. Explore our comprehensive guide on HTTP status codes to gain a deeper understanding of how various HTTP status codes can influence your site’s SEO.

Common Issues and How to Fix a 420 Status Error

Since the HTTP 420 error is not officially recognized in the HTTP status code registry but has been utilized informally for rate limiting, several common issues might trigger this response.

Rate Limiting:

Rate limiting is a control mechanism that prevents excessive requests to a server, ensuring fair resource use. It can significantly slow down a website or application, degrade the user experience, and adversely impact SEO. 

To fix this, assess your site’s request patterns and frequency. Solutions include:

  • Reducing request frequency.
  • Even distributing them over time.
  • Employing a back-off strategy—the client pauses for a designated period before attempting more requests.  

Unoptimized API Calls:

Making unnecessary or repeated API calls can often trigger a 420 status error, potentially leading to a slowdown in site performance and negatively impacting SEO.

To avoid this, optimising API usage is crucial to minimize the number of unnecessary calls. Strategies to reduce request volume include:

  • Caching responses for repeated use.
  • Employing webhooks to receive data in real-time instead of polling for it.
  • Using batch processing to handle multiple tasks in a single request. 


Server misconfiguration can sometimes mistakenly trigger an HTTP 420 status error instead of delivering the appropriate HTTP status code. This misconfiguration impacts SEO by potentially misleading search engines and users and hampers the user experience.

To address this issue, it is crucial to check your server configurations and ensure that correct HTTP status codes are used. If you’re employing a custom 420 code, consider replacing it with standard status codes that accurately describe the response status.

Effective Strategies for Handling HTTP 420 Status Code Errors

Several strategies exist to handle the 420 status code effectively, each aimed at mitigating the issue while maintaining user satisfaction. 

1. Custom Error Pages

First, implementing custom error pages can significantly improve the situation by providing users with more information about the error in an engaging and sometimes humorous manner. 

This approach makes the error less frustrating for the user and maintains engagement with your site.

2. Error Logging

Secondly, error logging is a critical tool for website administrators and developers. By logging errors, you can gain insights into their causes, helping to troubleshoot and prevent future occurrences of the 420 status code.

3. Retry Mechanisms

Retry mechanisms are beneficial for handling rate-limiting issues. They automatically attempt the request again after a specified time, reducing the chance of a user encountering status code 420 repeatedly. 

This strategy should be implemented with care to avoid exacerbating the rate-limiting problem.

4. Error Responses

Lastly, crafting clear and concise error responses is crucial. Such responses should provide users with specific information about why the error occurred, such as mentioning that a rate limit has been exceeded or that the server load is too high, without overwhelming them with unnecessary details. 

This ensures that users are well-informed about the issue and can take appropriate action or understand why the error has occurred.


At Reliqus Consulting, we recognize the value of understanding every aspect of the technologies we use. This status code 420 plays a vital role in API rate limiting, underlining the importance of implementing strategic request handling and adhering to API usage guidelines for efficient and reliable web services. 

Despite its unofficial and humorous nature, the 420 status code serves as a reminder of the need for mindful interaction with web services. 

Understanding such HTTP status codes can significantly enhance developer skills and create more resilient and user-friendly applications. We are committed to providing insights that enrich digital strategies for our clients and readers, emphasizing the nuanced understanding of web communication protocols.

Ankit Bhatia

Founder & CEO at Reliqus

With 12+ years of experience building a web presence for 300+ businesses, Ankit understands how businesses can use technology to increase revenue.

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