Image link building sites – Link building consultants say,” Yay”

Reliqus Consulting

15 July 2022

Link Building

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of link building sometimes link building is worth a thousand leads/traffic. 

Pictures draw a good amount of traffic and that is why including images in the link-building process is very important. When we are leaving the nitty-gritty of sharing to the experts it is important for businesses investing in link building/ Search engine optimisation to understand the significance of images. 

After working in more than 20 industries, Link building consultants at Reliqus reached a conclusion that images in link-building practice are something that can’t be avoided. 


Types of images that can be used– 

  • Infographics 
  • Product images and information 
  • Logos, banners 
  • Memes 
  • Visual graphics 
  • Maps


Free platforms for link building–  These platforms are often industry dependent and only a link-building consultant come to the rescue to choose the right one for your industry. But there are some common platforms which can be used such as-


Read more about link building- 

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