Why Do You Need A Responsive WordPress Website?

Reliqus Consulting

28 May 2021

Wordpress Websites

When a website is adequately responsive, not only do web crawlers like (Google) appreciate its high loading speed and responsiveness moreover, site viewers also adore touring your site too. Most businesses today, specifically rely on their website. Considering that, they must have a mobile-friendly website too. Nonetheless, WordPress cherishes a responsive site and lays out a platform for the same.

Which One Is Better: WordPress Vs HTML? 

Comparison Table: WordPress Vs HTML

WordPress HTML
1. No coding skill required 1. One ought to be a coder to make a profoundly captivating site.
2. Simple to utilize, natural, intuitive sort of highlights make it agreeable. 2. A few hundred lines of code, bugs, and blunders that just a genuine designer can appreciate.
3. Many previously made layouts are accessible. Extra plugins can be added to make it all the more impressive. 3. Extra programming expertise, different instruments, and language like CSS are expected to make it more unique and amazing.
4. Every now and then, maintenance may be required considering, anything is changed. 4. It requires next to no maintenance, especially with static content.
5. SEO and security features are better making it faster to operate. 5. Everything is required to be added to the source code leading to slow operations.


5 Reasons Why You Need A Responsive WordPress Website

Your Website makes the first impression on the viewers. If it is unresponsive, this immediately drops the viewer’s interest in visiting your website which will not only increase bounce rate but also your business’s revenue loss. Approx, 70% of customers use cell phones to browse various items on the web. Let’s go through the 5 main reasons why you need a responsive website

Image Source-Oberlo

1. Adaptable- A WordPress website has a highly adaptive design. Hence, the site will naturally adapt depending upon the screen resolution of the specific gadget, by responsively resizing different components of your site. This implies regardless of the gadget, viewers can easily access your site without any adjustments to the screen.

2. Splendid User-Experience-  Businesses establish their websites to provide a supreme user experience. Having a responsive site furnishes a commendable experience for every viewer. It kills the disappointment of not having the option to view content on only cell phones or desktops. Your site will be available and work reliably on any sort of gadget. Likewise, the improved client experience will prompt higher conversion rates and lower bounce rates too.

3. Google Loves Responsive Sites- Google always appreciates responsive and mobile-friendly sites. It always considers ranking them high on its search engine. This can be a pragmatic pointer for your business and for creating leads. Additionally, a responsive site with only a single site URL will function admirably on all gadgets.

4. Boosts Conversion And Sales- Businesses aim to boost up their sales and conversion rate. Google identifies two critical reasons behind lower conversion rates: former if your page loading time is lower than the ideal time (3 to 4 seconds), and latter if your site isn’t mobile-friendly.  If later is the case, you have increased risks of losing an enormous fragment of your expected clients. According to Statista, approximately 50.81 percent of global website traffic is generated from mobile devices.

Image Source-Medium.com

5. Improved SEO- Another advantage of responsive website composition is that it makes your webpage web index improved. As responsive design is preferred over mobile formats by Google for better SEO. A responsive site having one single URL, not only makes it simpler for web crawler bots to slither your website, yet additionally diminishes the opportunity of on-page SEO blunders.


We trust the above discussed points have shed sufficient light on why you should make your site responsive quickly. Is your site versatile and well disposed of as of now? If not, then make your site a WordPress responsive layout ASAP!

We at Reliqus Consulting, consistently work to provide you with a Responsive WordPress Website, yet make it commendable for you and your clients. For more information about how we can help you grow your business, give us a call at +1 (424) 999-8252 or email us at  info@reliqus.com.

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