Premium Reasons to Have a Contact Form for your Website in 2022

Reliqus Consulting

04 July 2022

Wordpress Websites
By Ankit Bhatia
Founder & CEO

Have you ever wondered about the need for a contact form for your website?

 A contact form for a website holds an umbrella of advantages and thus it has become a necessity rather than liberty on the part of the companies to have a contact form for their website in this dynamic period of business making. Before understanding the premium reason to hold a contact form for your website it is important to be relevant with the working of the contact form which has been detailed below.

Working on a Contact Form –

A contact form can be termed as a short web-based form that is published on a website. A visitor, by filling the contact can send his or her concerning message to the owner of the website. Behind the curtains, the contact form created by you generates an email message and will be delivered to your website. This process will help you to receive messages from your visitors without the space of revealing your email address to the spammers.

Premium reasons to have a contact form for your website in 2022

1. It bars the occurrence of Spam Emails – Aforesaid statement holds relevancy here as publishing the email would turn out to be a bad idea. The reason for this is that the publishing of your email address publically can get entitled to spamming as spambots scrape email addresses from websites regularly. Winding up of all kinds of spammy mailing lists online can take place if a spambot gets hold of your email address which may result in security concerns and that is the reason a contact form becomes important.

Spam Emails

It has to be noted that a contact form will not stop all of your spam-related messages but it will ensure that the risk of spamming remains on the lower side of the risk.

For instance, the use of CAPTCHA can turn out to be helpful if your visitor is human or not.


You do not need to hold experience either in coding or web designing to create a contact form and publish it in WordPress Forms.


2. Have a 24*7 Access to your Customer – Most business-related websites post phone numbers on their sites but what in case you get a call from your potential customer during the closed hours of your business? In such a case the customer will make a move toward your competitor. To avoid this it is essential to have a WordPress contact form on your website that ensures the deliverance of the message or query by the customer through the means of that form.

With the help of WP Forms, it is easy to publish the contact forms on the post or the page of your choice. It holds an embed wizard that creates a new ‘Contact Us’ page for the form.

If you do not wish to make a contact page then you may do the following,

  • With the help of a shortcode or WordPress block, you embed can your form in a post.
  • Along with your social media icons, you can embed your contact form of yours in the WordPress footer.
  • Embedding your form in the sidebar of the WordPress.


3. Track your Enquires – With the growth of the business comes growth in the enquires through the means of your website.

But how will you be able to keep the track of those enquires?

This is easily possible through the means of WordPress Contact Forms 7 entry storage.

You can easily view all the submitted forms in the WordPress dashboard through the paid versions of WPForms. It is to be known that the entry management features in WPForms are pretty much advanced.

In the below image we can get an idea about how every form field is clearly shown on its line. You can easily get the print done on this page whenever you find a necessity.

Contact form

Also, your entries will be displayed in a list on the dashboard of WordPress. You can star or mark it as unread as a part of a reminder if you are willing to keep a watch on any of the leads to check back on it later.

4. Find More Leads – If you run a business then you will probably want to get more leads and that is the big reason there occurs a big need of having a contact form on your website. On the part of the customers, it gets easy to get in touch through the means of the wp contact form 7.

You are relying on the visitor to go through the trouble of creating an email manually if you only have a link to the link of an email. They may create an email if the computer used by them is shared or is used in the public domain.

That is the reason contact forms help you get more leads. They are pretty much easier as well as faster.

Also, you can make the contact form feel very much human with the addition of conversational forms. It is very much helpful to boost your form conversion rate as the conversational forms display one question at a time. Also, to see how your forms are performing, prefer adding a Facebook Pixel.

5. Helps you build your Email Marketing List – Emails are the most powerful ways to reach the customers and even the potential customers at a very little cost.

There creates an opportunity to collect the information, every time a person fills the form. There also happens an option of adding that person to your email list so that he can find the further list of emails of your company.

The wp forms by WordPress make this task easy. For instance, for new subscribers when they get in touch, you can add a constant contact checkbox to the contact form.

To let people easily subscribe to your lists, you can also create customized forms. The forms by WordPress can help you easily to integrate signup forms with email marketing services like,

  • Pardot
  • MailerLite
  • Mailchimp
  • AWeber
  • Sendinblue
  • GetResponse
  • SendFox

Sign up to our Newsletter


6. Delegating Tasks to Your Team – Is it not a great thing if you only receive only the notifications you look for? This is possible by making your forms smarter by sending the right mail notifications to the right set of people.


You can also send notifications to multiple people by adding more email addresses to the Sent To Email Address field.

7. Popularize your CRM Automatically – When you have multiple members in your team it becomes a difficult task to manage your leads. There are a majority of the chances of arising confusion even in a team that is relatively smaller in number. You cannot afford to lose track of the conversation with the leads as the first impression matters the most.

That is the reason why WPForms allow you to send the content of any form submission to various.CRMs

You have the option of connecting the WPForms to various CRMs and some of them include,

  • Salesforce
  • Zoho CRM
  • Insightly and so on.

8. Starts the Projects and To-Do Lists Automatically – Do you know that to kick-start a project checklist you can make use of a contact form submission. The task of sending your contact form data to a to-do list application is made easy with WPForms. To process or follow up on the contact form entry your employees need to take certain steps and those steps can be created with the help of the template.

This process proves to be helpful to the one who wants to perform a set number of follow-up or onboarding tasks. In addition, it can be also used for,

  • Volunteer application forms
  • Donation forms or pledge forms
  • Job application forms and so on.

The scenario can be easily understood by the below-mentioned image,

To make sure that each of the steps are been completed there happens to be a whole to-do list within the project that your team can have worked through.

9. Avail Support to Your Customers – Be it customer support or tech support, every business offers its customers some sort of support. And the contact forms play a major role in getting in touch with the customers to offer that.

It would be great on the part of the customers if you help them out through the customization of the forms so that they can reach you at the earliest. It is easy to turn any contact form into a support ticket form with the help of WordPress contact Forms 7.


10. Find the Content Submitted by the User – Are you looking forward to boosting your traffic in the easiest way?

Publishing the guest posts and the content submitted by the user is a great way to do it. It can improve the following points of your website,

  • Will increase Social Proof
  • Increase the frequency of publishing of your blogs
  • Will drive more traffic
  • Will find you more audience
  • Will help you in finding more connections and so on.

With the help of the best WPForms plugin, it is easy to accept the posts of your guests. The post submission feature of it helps in adding a ton of extra functionality to your forms. With this feature, it is easy to get guest posts through a contact form without making the author login to the WordPress dashboard. On the activating of this feature, you will find a post-submission template. It will help you publish anywhere on your site. This feature is also helpful in reducing spam user registrations.

Blog Post

11. Find Quoting Easier with File Uploads – With the help of WPForms of WordPress, it is easier on the part of visitors to attach files to contact form submissions.

For instance, you can add a file upload field to your contact form in case you need to assess files or documents before sending quotes to your customers. In such a way you will find all the information you need to produce an estimate without the need of an extra admin.

WPForms helps you to have control of the following,

  • The number of files you want to accept
  • The file extensions you prefer to allow
  • The maximum size of every file you prefer to remain

In order to allow users to drag and drop files onto your form, you can make use of the Modern-style file upload field. Through this, it is easier to browse the files one after the other.

There is a limitation by WordPress to the number of files people can upload but with the offering of the File Upload Types Plugin, you can find a solution to this problem.

Along with the default files allowed in the WordPress, the visitors can also upload,

  • CAD drawings
  • Zip files
  • XML files
  • RAR files
  • Ebooks

In order to locate them easily, you can store the files in your WordPress Media Library.

Now, it is the time to Build your First Contact Form:

And with this, you have understood the importance of having a contact form on your website. With that, it is time to build your first contact form!

Ankit Bhatia

Founder & CEO at Reliqus

With 12+ years of experience building a web presence for 300+ businesses, Ankit understands how businesses can use technology to increase revenue.

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