A Complete Guide To Global SEO Services 

Reliqus Consulting

14 June 2021


Does your business serve in more than one country, or does a section of your customers speak a different language? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, global SEO must be on your radar.

Expanding your business to international markets can be an exciting and lucrative opportunity. However, it also comes with its own unique challenges, especially when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).

In this complete guide to global SEO services, we will explore the strategies and best practices that will help you optimize your website for international audiences.

Keep reading to understand everything about global SEO and how global SEO services can help you out:

What is Global SEO?

Global SEO, also known as international SEO, is a strategy used to optimize websites for search engines in multiple countries and languages. It involves implementing techniques that help websites rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) across different geographical locations. 

Global SEO requires an understanding of various factors such as language, culture, and search behavior in different regions. By effectively optimizing a website for global audiences, businesses can attract targeted traffic from around the world and expand their reach beyond their domestic market. 

This can lead to increased brand visibility, website traffic, and potential customers in different countries. Overall, global SEO is an essential component of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy for businesses operating on an international scale.

How does Global SEO work?

Google and other search engines operate by personalizing search results according to the user’s language and geographical location. 

Through international SEO, you can signal to search engines that your website is designed for visitors from specific countries or for individuals seeking your offerings in particular languages. 

Language targeting, implementation of hreflang tags, specific URL configurations, and incorporation of other localization signals collectively contribute to the effectiveness of international SEO. 

What’s the difference between International SEO and Local SEO?

When it comes to optimizing your online presence, two powerful strategies stand out: international SEO and local SEO. Each approach is tailored to distinct goals and demands specific tactics. 

Let’s delve into the contrasting features of these strategies, highlighting the impact of global SEO services on international expansion and the significance of local SEO in localized markets.

  1. More Competition

Think of international SEO like a big competition. When you’re trying to reach people all around the world, you’re not just competing with the business next door. 

It’s like you’re in a race against big brands from all corners of the globe, all wanting the same attention and customers. But with local SEO, you’re competing with businesses just around your neighborhood.

  1. More Content

Expanding your SEO to international levels means you’ll need more content – a lot more. It’s like having to share stories with people from different countries. 

You also need to know these new audiences really well, so your stories connect with them. This means doing a lot of research to understand what makes people tick in different places.

  1. Higher Costs

Going big means investing more, not just in money but also in people power. For global SEO services, you’re raising the stakes, so you need a bigger budget and more people on your team.

Factors That Affect International SEO

Effective international SEO, as part of comprehensive global SEO services, hinges on several critical factors that impact your website’s visibility and engagement across diverse markets.

Let’s delve into some key considerations:

  • Customer Reviews: Positive customer reviews not only boost credibility but also contribute to higher search rankings. Search engines value authentic feedback and use it as a measure of trustworthiness, affecting your website’s visibility on a global scale.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Lots of people use phones and tablets to browse the internet. If your website works well on these devices, search engines like it more. Search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites, ensuring seamless user experiences across various devices and regions.
  • Google My Business Account: For localized search results, having a well-maintained and optimized Google My Business account is useful. It enhances your online presence by providing crucial business information to users, particularly those seeking local services.
  • Link Building: Quality link building remains a cornerstone of SEO. For global SEO services, building authoritative backlinks from relevant international websites can significantly impact your website’s authority and search ranking in diverse markets.

By keeping these things in mind, you can make your global SEO efforts stronger and get your website seen by more people around the world.

How to Succeed with Global SEO Services?

Creating a successful Global SEO strategy involves careful planning and consideration. Here are the steps:

1. Research Your Potential Market

Before you start optimizing your website for global audiences, you need to determine which countries or regions you want to target.

For optimal results from your global SEO services, thorough market research is essential.

Consider factors like market potential, competition, and cultural relevance. Identify your target audience in each location – understand their preferences, behaviors, and search habits.

By clearly defining your target countries and audience, you lay the foundation for a focused and effective Global SEO strategy that resonates with your intended users. This initial decision will guide the rest of your efforts as you expand your online presence to new horizons.

If you want to know which countries are bringing your maximum traffic apart from your native country, take the help of Google analytics.

To work with Google Analytics:

  • Step-1- Go to Google Analytics
  • Step-2- Click on the location tab under the Geo section.

(The location tab will display the top countries generating the highest traffic for your website.)

It will give you a variable idea about improvement areas that need more attention and which countries are not worth your time. This insight is beneficial in understanding the interest of the audience of that specific country.

Similar platforms that will help you know your website traffic:

  • SEMrush
  • Alexa
  • SimilarWeb
  • Ahrefs

2. Determine Whether you’ll Hire an International SEO Agency

When it comes to the question of managing international SEO, you have a choice: take on the responsibility yourself or entrust it to a specialized Global SEO agency.

Both options hold their advantages.

You know your brand really well.  But SEO agencies are really good at understanding what people in different places like. They’re like experts in knowing how to make your website match what people in different countries want to see.

3. Conducting International Keyword Research

Just like you have performed keyword research for your native websites,the process is similar for international keyword research. But you need to keep a few things in mind. 

In foreign languages, one word can have multiple meanings. And while doing keyword research, you need to ensure that you select the right keywords to gain higher traffic. 

For accurate results, we recommend utilizing various global SEO tools to choose your keywords. Here are some of the top keyword research tools available:

    1. SEMrush
    2. Ahref
    3. Google Keyword Planner
    4. KWFinder
    5. Longtail Pro
    6. Moz Keyword Explorer

These tools are essential for identifying keywords that resonate across different regions and languages, thus enhancing your approach to Global SEO services.

4. Choose the Right International Domain Structure

One of the most important things that you cannot miss is the domain structure of the website. There are several ways to host a new website but choosing the right one is essential. 

Many people make the mistake of choosing the wrong domain structure, and thus, they are not able to yield the maximum results of SEO.

Following are some preferred domain structures; you can pick any one of them:

  • Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs):

ccTLDs are two-letter domains assigned to specific countries. 

For instance, .us for the United States, .ca for Canada, and .uk for the United Kingdom. 

Creating a unique ccTLD site for each country where your products or services are available can enhance international SEO.

Example: mybusiness.ca, mybusiness.uk

Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs):

gTLDs are domain extensions with three or more characters like .com, .gov, and .org. 

While using a gTLD doesn’t limit search results by region, it might reduce traffic as users often prefer sites with their country code TLD.

Example: mybusiness.com

ccTLD or gTLD with Subdomains:

You can create subdomains that combine the benefits of both ccTLDs and gTLDs.

Example: ca.mybusiness.com

This offers the advantages of a country code and a gTLD.

ccTLD or gTLD with Subdirectories:

Subdirectories alter the location of the country code.

Example: mybusiness.com/ca/

5. Optimizing Content for the Region and Language

Tailoring your content marketing efforts to specific regions and languages is key to resonating with local audiences. This involves creating content that addresses the unique preferences, interests, and cultural nuances of different markets. 

Strategies for effective local content marketing include: local keyword research, cultural sensitivity, localized topics, and influencer partnerships.

By focusing on these global SEO services factors, you can optimize your website to cater to diverse audiences, improve user experience, and increase your chances of ranking well in international search results.

This approach will not only enhance your brand’s global visibility but also foster stronger connections with audiences from different corners of the world.

6. Global NAP helps your SEO

While optimizing your website for foreign countries, it is crucial to have accurate details across all the contact points. The NAP details, which include names, addresses, and phone numbers, should be valid.

These small things help in building trust faster among the targeted audience. Several services provide postal rental addresses, phone numbers, and warehouses so that you can function without any problems.

Some countries have General Data Protection Regulation compliances, and some countries don’t. So, you need to be familiar with all the mandatory compliances. If you are not aware of the complications, you can hire a global SEO service and get things done.

7. URL Structure

Managing URLs often comes with specific challenges as there are multiple domains, and you need to make sure every critical URL is indexed in the search engine’s database. Make sure you follow all-important optimization practices to ensure URLs are readable by users and search engine bots. If you are using a Content Management System like WordPress, you will find many plugins to manage URLs.

8. The Schema Markup For Your Site

Google and search engines pay great attention to the site’s structure. A study by Forrester proves that 93% of online experience begins with a search engine.

Whether you are doing a standard SEO or a global SEO, having a schema markup structure on your site is essential to achieve good SEO performance.

There are several free tools available in the market that offer to make the schema markup of your site, which you can verify from Google’s free agency and use on your website.

9. Hreflang Tags

Hreflang tags are essential for indicating to search engines the language and geographical targeting of your content. These tags help search engines present the most relevant version of your content to users based on their location and language preferences. 

Proper implementation of hreflang tags prevents content duplication issues and enhances user experience by providing accurate, localized results.

Common Challenges in Global SEO: Navigating the Complexity

Don’t worry, we’re not trying to scare you off. It’s just that when something comes easily, it can also go away easily. 

International SEO might seem simple at first, but when you look closer, you’ll see there’s more to it. We’re here to help you understand the challenges so you can handle them like a pro.

Let’s break it down step by step.

Setting International SEO Goals: What’s the Plan?

When companies want to grow their online presence globally, they usually have three main goals:

  1. By Language

Imagine you’re a company that sells something in one place and you want to sell the same thing in another country. 

For example, a Brazilian company selling sports shoes wants to sell them in Argentina. Here, the main goal is to speak Spanish because that’s what people there understand.

The content might stay the same, but you need to use the right words when translating. 

  1. By Country

Now, picture a company that wants to sell a different thing in another country. Our Brazilian sports shoe company decided to sell watches in Portugal. The focus here is on that specific country, not just the language.

  1. Mixing It Up: The Hybrid Approach

Sometimes things get a bit mixed up. Some countries use a language different from their official one online. 

Let’s say a Japanese company in the United States talks to the Japanese community in Japanese. That’s a mix of country and language.

So, when your company wants to expand, you have to decide: Do you want to focus on speaking a language, targeting a country, or doing both? Once you know this, you’re on the right track.

With these goals in mind, you’re ready to tackle the international market with Global SEO services.

Tools for International SEO

When it comes to making your website shine globally, you need the right and best SEO tools. Check out these helpful options:

  1. HubSpot:


HubSpot offers a suite of affordable SEO tools, including features for international SEO. Its content management system (CMS) allows for easy translation and management of multilingual websites, enabling seamless localization.

  1. Google Search Console:


An essential tool, Google Search Console helps monitor how your site performs in search results. It provides insights into indexing issues, search queries, and more, helping you optimize for global visibility.

  1. Moz:


Moz offers a range of affordable SEO tools to enhance your international strategy. From keyword research to link analysis, it aids in identifying opportunities and tracking your website’s performance across diverse markets.

  1. Semrush:


Semrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that offers features like competitor analysis, keyword research, and backlink tracking. Its capabilities extend to international SEO, helping you uncover global opportunities.

  1. Google Analytics:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracks website traffic, user behavior, and engagement. With its multilingual and multi currency support, it’s a valuable tool for understanding how your global audience interacts with your site.

Global SEO Checklist

When aiming for international SEO success, ensure you cover all the bases with this SEO checklist:

  1. Identify Your Offerings: Define the international content you’ll provide and the specific markets/languages you’ll target.
  2. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords for each target region and language.
  3. User-Friendly URLs: Craft an SEO-friendly URL structure that’s intuitive for both users and search engines.
  4. Sitemap Creation: Build a clear sitemap to guide search engines through your international content.
  5. Precise Language and Country Focus: Choose the languages and countries you’re targeting for precise optimization.
  6. Language Switch Capability: Enable visitors to seamlessly switch between languages on your website.
  7. Hreflang Tags Implementation: Utilize rel=”noopener” target=”_blank” Hreflang tags for effective language targeting.
  8. Localized Currency: Convert prices into local currencies to enhance user experience.
  9. Image Alt Text: Ensure proper alt text for images, aligning with cultural sensitivity.
  10. Redirect Remediation: Address any faulty redirects to maintain smooth user navigation.
  11. Content Polishing: Eliminate errors, broken links, and crawling issues for seamless browsing.
  12. Tailored Link Strategy: Develop market-specific link-building tactics for each target audience.
  13. Stay Updated: Stay informed about local and global search trends for continuous optimization.
  14. SEO-Worthy Topics: Evaluate each topic for strong SEO potential before crafting content.
  15. Local Expertise: Engage native content creators and industry specialists to maintain relevance.

By following this global SEO services checklist, you’ll establish a robust strategy that propels your brand’s reach and impact across the globe.

How Can We Help you?

As global SEO services continue to grow in demand, we hope this guide has provided you with the necessary insights on how to get started.

Our team of experts at Reliqus Consulting are familiar with the latest trends and techniques. With the right strategies and a plan of action tailored specifically for your business or organization, you can be sure that our international SEO services will prove beneficial for years to come. 

Do not hesitate to Contact us or give us a call at +1 (424) 999-8252 to our experienced SEO agency if you need help optimizing your website and content for international audiences—the rewards are most certainly worth it!

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