Top 7 Tips To Fix Hacked WordPress Website 2024

Reliqus Marketing

08 September 2023

Wordpress Websites

Are you tired of dealing with the stress and frustration of a hacked WordPress website? We understand the anxiety and frustration that can accompany such an event. 

In this article, we’ve outlined seven comprehensive tips to help you resolve the issue and safeguard your WordPress site against future attacks. 

But for those seeking a quicker and hassle-free solution, consider Reliqus Consulting as your trusted partner in WordPress security. We have helped hundreds of users recover their websites and return to business. And now, we want to share our knowledge with you.

So don’t panic; take a deep breath, and let’s start fixing your hacked WordPress site!

Tip 1. Identify the Hack

The first tip in fixing a hacked website is recognizing the signs. Common signs include  loss of admin access, redirects to malicious sites, and the presence of illegitimate links. Identifying the hack early can save you time and resources. Remember that changing your passwords is crucial during this process to prevent further unauthorized access.

Tip 2. Check with your Hosting Company

Your hosting provider can be a valuable resource when dealing with a hacked WordPress site. Contact them to report the hack and discuss potential vulnerabilities. They often have experienced staff who are knowledgeable about handling hacks and can provide guidance and support.

For those on shared hosting, it’s essential to address potential compromises on other websites hosted on the same server. Hosting providers like HostGator and Siteground are known for their helpful customer support in handling hacked websites.

Tip 3. Restore from Backup

Restoring from a backup is the ideal solution if you have a recent and clean backup available. This will help you get your hacked WordPress website back to its pre-hacked state. 

However, it’s important to note that restoring from a backup may result in the loss of any changes made since the backup was created, such as new blog posts or comments. 

If you don’t have a backup, you may need to manually remove the hack, which can be a more time-consuming process, as you must identify and remove all malicious files and code the hackers inject. 

Leave It to the Professionals: Remove Malware from WordPress Website in Just $79

Despite the importance of these tips, implementing them can be time-consuming and technically challenging for non-tech-savvy website owners. That’s where professionals like us, at Reliqus Consulting, can help. 

We offer a specialized WordPress website malware removal services at a remarkably convenient price of just $79. Our team of experts will take all the necessary steps to fix your hacked WordPress website, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.

So why stress about fixing a hacked WordPress site yourself when you can leave it to the professionals at Reliqus Consulting? Let us handle the technical intricacies so you can focus on your business and peace of mind.

But Wait, There’s More Tips to Fix Your Hacked WordPress Website!

We don’t just offer you an affordable and efficient solution at $79; we also share useful, knowledgeable tips for preventing future hacks. We have more tips to help you fix a hacked WordPress site:

Tip 4. Malware Scanning and Removal

Scanning and cleaning your website are essential steps to remove malware effectively. Start by deleting any inactive WordPress themes and plugins, as hackers often hide a backdoor in these locations. 

To ensure a comprehensive scan, consider installing the Sucuri WordPress Auditing and Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) plugins. The Theme Authenticity Checker will display results that identify any potential issues or malicious code. You can then either manually remove the malicious code or replace the infected file with the original version. 

Tip 5. Check User Permissions

Reviewing and managing user permissions is vital for preventing future hacks. Ensure that only trusted team members have administrator access. Delete any suspicious users or accounts that you don’t recognize. By doing so, you’ll be able to limit the potential for unauthorized access and maintain control over your website. 

Tip 6. Change Your Secret Keys

Changing your secret keys adds an extra layer of security to your WordPress site. These keys, generated by WordPress 3.1, are responsible for encrypting passwords and ensuring the security of your website. It prevents hackers from staying logged in even if they have compromised a password. 

However, if a hacker steals a password and is still logged in, they will remain logged in due to valid cookies. To disable these cookies and force all users to log in again, you need to generate a new set of secret keys and add them to your wp-config.php file. 

Tip 7. Change Your Passwords AGAIN

To ensure long-term security, change your passwords again, making them strong and unique. Update passwords for cPanel, FTP, MySQL, and other areas where you’ve used the same password. Make sure to choose strong passwords that are hard to guess. 

Additionally, if you have multiple users on your site, it’s important to force a password reset for all of them to eliminate any potential vulnerabilities.

Signs Your WordPress Website Is Hacked

1. You Can’t Log In

The first alarming sign is when you’re unable to log into your WordPress website. While this could be due to a forgotten password, hackers often change or remove user credentials to keep you out. It’s advisable to attempt password reset first before concluding that your site has been hacked.

2. Your Site Has Changed

If your website is suddenly unrecognizable or deviating from its regular theme, you might be dealing with a hack. Subtle alterations, such as extra content or concealed links, are also suspicious.

Confirm with other administrators or editors to rule out intentional changes. Also, beware of updating themes from questionable sources; these could be responsible for your website’s modifications.

3. Your Site is Redirecting

Additionally, your website might get hacked if it starts redirecting users to other sites unexpectedly. Quality hosting plays a crucial role in securing your site and reducing vulnerability to hacks.

4. Browser Warnings

Browser warnings can be a significant indicator that your WordPress site is compromised. These warnings may be triggered by malicious code in a theme or plugin, or issues with domains or SSL. Referring to the warning can help diagnose and fix the hacked WordPress website.

5. Browser or Search Engine Warnings

Search engine warnings, particularly from Google, may also signal a hacked site. Google may display a warning when your site is searched, indicating a potential hack in your sitemap or a larger issue. Addressing these issues promptly is essential to recover your hacked WordPress website. Using a WordPress website malware removal service can be an efficient solution in such situations.

Google may display a warning

For a comprehensive list of signs indicating a hacked website, refer to our detailed guide on “Signs of a Hacked Website“. Remember, early detection is key to effective malware removal. Stay vigilant and take proactive measures to secure your WordPress site.

How Does WordPress Get Hacked?

Hackers can infiltrate a WordPress website in numerous ways:

  • Backdoors: These bypass standard methods of accessing a site, and a notorious example of this was the 2013 Tim Thumb vulnerability.
  • Pharma hacks: This exploit involves the insertion of rogue code into outdated versions of WordPress.
  • Brute-force login attempts: Hackers use automation to take advantage of weak passwords and gain unauthorized access.
  • Malicious redirects: Backdoors can be used to add these to your website, redirecting visitors to other sites.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS): This is the most common vulnerability found in WordPress plugins. XSS involves the injection of scripts that let a hacker send harmful code to a user’s browser.
  • Denial of service (DoS): In these attacks, bugs or errors in a website’s code are exploited to overload the site, rendering it non-functional.

Understanding these methods gives you a clearer picture of what you’re up against, and more importantly, how you can protect your site.

Reasons Why a WordPress Site Gets Hacked

While it may feel like a personal attack, the majority of hackers aren’t specifically targeting you. They’re usually looking for easy targets to exploit for monetary gain, sensitive data, or simply to cause chaos.

A whopping 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses, who often lack the knowledge and resources to adequately protect their sites. But it’s not just small businesses, even big corporations with dedicated security teams can fall victim to hacks.

The reasons can be manifold, but three common factors stand out: insecure passwords, out-of-date software, and insecure code.

1. Insecure Passwords

Did you know that 8% of WordPress websites get infected due to weak passwords? Passwords like “12345,” “abcd,” and “password” are an open invitation for hackers. While a strong password doesn’t make your site hack-proof, it certainly offers an added layer of security.

2. Out of Date Software

Next, outdated software is an open invitation for hackers. Regular updates for plugins, themes, and WordPress itself are not just about adding new features, but also about patching security vulnerabilities.

3. Insecure Code

Avoid using plugins and themes from unverified sources. While premium themes and plugins may seem attractive, always seek recommendations from trusted sources. Be particularly wary of nulled plugins, which are pirated versions of paid plugins that may contain malicious code. Being informed and cautious can be your best defense against potential hacking incidents.

Moving Forward – Hardening your WordPress Website

Our guide doesn’t stop at fixing the hack – we’ll also provide recommendations on how to strengthen your WordPress site’s security to prevent future attacks. From setting up a website firewall to regularly updating your software, we’ve got you covered.

Now that you have taken the necessary steps to fix your hacked wordpress website, focusing on hardening your website’s security is crucial to prevent future hacks.

The following recommendations will help you strengthen your WordPress site:

  1. Set up a website firewall and monitoring system: This will add a layer of protection by detecting and blocking malicious traffic before it reaches your website.
  2. Switch to managed WordPress hosting: Managed hosting providers typically offer enhanced security measures, such as regular malware scanning, automatic updates, and daily backups.
  3. Disable theme and plugin editors: This prevents hackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in your themes or plugins by disabling the ability to modify code within the WordPress dashboard.
  4. Limit login attempts in WordPress: By using a plugin or adding code to your functions.php file, you can restrict the number of login attempts, preventing brute-force attacks.
  5. Password protect the admin directory: Adding an extra layer of authentication to the WordPress admin directory will make it harder for hackers to gain access.
  6. Disable PHP execution in specific directories: By blocking PHP execution in directories where it’s not needed, you can prevent malicious scripts from being uploaded and executed.
  7. Keep WordPress core, plugins, and themes up to date: Regularly updating your WordPress software and plugins is essential to patch security vulnerabilities and ensure you are running the latest, most secure versions.

It is also important to note that Google recently announced a change in its algorithm that negatively impacts hacked sites with spam results. So, it is crucial to prioritize website security.

If you still face difficulties fixing your hacked WordPress site, consider seeking professional help or contacting your hosting company for assistance. They may have additional resources and expertise to resolve the issue.


In conclusion, website security should be a top priority for all WordPress users. Even after fixing a hacked website, taking proactive measures to prevent future attacks is essential. Our guide has provided valuable insights, but if you still face difficulties, remember that we are here to help.

Don’t let a hacked WordPress website disrupt your business and cause stress – take control of your website’s security today! Contact Reliqus Consulting for professional assistance and protect your WordPress site from future headaches. Your peace of mind is just a click away.

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