How Do I Optimize My Google Ads Campaigns For Voice Search?

Reliqus Marketing

03 May 2023


Are you ready for the future of search? Voice search is revolutionizing the way people interact with technology and it’s becoming increasingly popular. In fact, according to ComScore, by 2020, over half of all searches will be done through voice.

This means that if you’re not optimizing your PPC campaigns for voice search, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity. But don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to optimize your Google Ads campaigns for voice search so that you can stay ahead of the game and reach even more potential customers.

What is Voice Search?

Voice search is a type of technology that allows users to perform searches on the internet by speaking into their devices instead of typing. It’s an alternative way to access information and can be done through voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple’s Siri.

Rather than typing keywords into a search bar or clicking links on a screen, users can simply ask their device a question or command. The device then uses natural language processing (NLP) technology to interpret the user’s request and provide relevant results.

One of the main advantages of voice search is its convenience factor. With only your voice as input, you can get answers quickly without having to interrupt other tasks like driving or cooking.

It also understands context-based searches more effectively than conventional text-based inquiries, which is another advantage. It would recognize the restaurant you are referring to based on previous encounters with the assistant, for instance, if you asked “What time does this restaurant close?”

As more people start using smart speakers and digital assistants in their daily lives, optimizing for voice search becomes critical for businesses looking to stay ahead in today’s market.

Top 7 Tips For Optimizing Your PPC Ads For Google Voice Search.

PPC Ads For Google Voice Search

As more and more people utilize voice search to browse the internet, optimizing your PPC ads for this new technology is crucial. Here are seven tips to help you optimize your Google Ads campaigns for voice search:

1. Understanding Voice Search

Before we dive into the optimization techniques, it’s important to understand what voice search is and how it works. Voice search is a technology that allows users to search the internet by speaking into a device instead of typing. When a user makes a voice search, the device recognizes the spoken words and provides the user with the most relevant results.

2. Optimize Your Keywords for Voice Search

The first step in optimizing your Google Ads campaigns for voice search is to ensure that your keywords are voice search-friendly. Unlike text-based searches, voice searches are more conversational, which means that users are more likely to use natural language when searching. Therefore, you should use long-tail keywords that are more conversational and mimic how people speak.

3. Use Ad Extensions

Google Ad extensions are a powerful tool that allows you to provide additional information about your business to potential customers. When optimizing your Google Ads campaigns for voice search, you should use ad extensions to provide users with more information about your business. This can include your business address, phone number, and website URL.

4. Optimize Your Landing Pages

The landing page is the page that users land on after clicking on your ad. To ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are optimized for voice search, you need to ensure that your landing pages are optimized for mobile devices. Additionally, your landing pages should be optimized for voice search queries, which means that they should be conversational and provide users with the information they are looking for.

5. Focus on Local SEO

Voice searches are often location-based, which means that users are looking for businesses in their local area. To optimize your Google Ads campaigns for voice search, you need to focus on local SEO. This means that you should ensure that your business is listed on local directories and that you have a Google My Business profile. Additionally, you should optimize your Google Ads campaigns for local keywords.

6. Use Call-Only Ads

Call-only ads are a type of Google Ads campaign that allows users to call your business directly from the ad. This is particularly useful for businesses that receive a lot of phone calls. When optimizing your Google Ads campaigns for voice search, you should consider using call-only ads to make it easier for users to call your business directly from the ad.

7. Monitor Your Performance

It’s important to monitor your Google Ads campaigns regularly to ensure that they are performing well. This includes monitoring your click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per click. Additionally, you should use Google Analytics to track your website traffic and see how your Google Ads campaigns are impacting your website’s performance.

By implementing these tips into your PPC campaigns, you’ll improve the likelihood of being found by potential customers utilizing this growing technology trend and ultimately driving better results for your business!

How Does Voice Search Work?

People are increasingly using voice search to look up information online. But how does it work exactly?

When you speak a query into your device, the audio is converted into text using natural language processing (NLP) technology. This text is then sent to Google’s servers where it is analyzed and matched with relevant content from their vast index of websites.

Google then delivers the most relevant results back to the user in a conversational tone, often providing a direct answer to their question. The algorithm behind voice search takes various factors such as location, previous searches, and context into consideration when delivering results. One important aspect of optimizing for voice search is understanding the conversational nature of queries. People tend to use more natural language when speaking rather than typing, so including long-tail keywords and answering questions directly in your content can improve your chances of appearing in voice search results.

It’s also essential to ensure that your website and content are mobile-friendly since most voice searches occur on smartphones or other mobile devices. By staying up-to-date with best practices for voice optimization, businesses can increase their visibility and potentially attract new customers through this emerging technology trend.

How Is Voice Search Different From Traditional Search?

Voice search and traditional search are two different ways of searching for information on the internet. While traditional search involves typing keywords into a search engine, voice search is done by speaking to a virtual assistant like Google Assistant or Alexa.

One major difference between the two is that voice searches tend to be more conversational in nature, while traditional searches are typically shorter and more keyword-focused. With voice search, users can ask questions in natural language rather than just using short phrases.

Another key difference is that voice searches often provide immediate results without requiring users to click through to another page. This means that websites need to optimize their content for featured snippets in order to show up as the top result for a given query. Because people tend to use different words when speaking compared to when they’re typing, companies must rethink their target keywords and focus on long-tail keywords instead of just short phrases.

Optimizing your PPC ads for voice search requires understanding these differences and adjusting your strategy accordingly.


Optimizing your Google Ads campaigns for voice search is essential for businesses that want to reach potential customers who are using voice search technology. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your Google Ads campaigns are voice search-friendly and that you are reaching potential customers through this new technology.

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